1-Time Workshops for Groups

Are you looking for meaningful enrichment opportunities for your group, club, or organization?

As an independent educator, I teach workshops and classes in a variety of settings. Workshops are the latest addition to my teaching portfolio!

I’ve been an English professor for 11 years, and before that, I taught writing at a community arts center and online. Since early 2020 (before the pandemic!), I’ve also been teaching classes to young people through Outschool.

I am excited to be launching a series of workshops that are specifically designed for groups like yours.

These groups are ideal for book clubs, parenting groups, Sunday School classes, groups of friends, women’s retreats, writers’ retreats, nonprofit organizations, religious groups, and so much more.

What Are You Looking For?

Mom groups, book clubs, church groups, organizations, and companies are often in need of affordable but meaningful opportunities to learn and share together. In the covid-era, these opportunities became even more challenging, as existing programs shifted online and people stayed home in order to stay safe.

Today, so much of the world has gone back to normal, but there have been some big changes. This is what I’ve noticed:

  1. Some people still need to take precautions. Perhaps they are sick, quarantined, caring for someone who hasn’t been able to get vaccinated, or at high risk for covid complications in a community with high rates of transmission. This is definitely my pandemic experience, so I know what it’s like to have to scale back again and again, while still trying to stay active and engaged with my community.
  2. Today, pople are much more comfortable with online engagement, even if they hadn’t ever seen the Zoom interface before 2020!
  3. People have really benefitted from the ability to gather with friends, regardless of distance.
  4. The number of meaningful online opportunities has decreased as many organizations, schools, and events have gone back to being in-person. While there were once many different group events that people could pick from online, the choices are getting slimmer!

If you are looking for something that allows your entire group or team to get together online to share, talk, and write, a LizBR workshop is a great option!

Also, you’re probably looking for something that is affordable. I have never been part of a group that has had a huge budget–probably because I’ve always worked in non-profits and education! If you do have a huge budget for stuff like this, that’s awesome! However, if you’re looking for something that doesn’t cost a ton of money but still delivers a really great, live, online experience, my workshops are a good solution.

Current topics

For Summer 2022, I’m offering just a few workshop topics. You can read more about each workshop on my website.

These workshops are:

Developing a Christian Spiritual Writing Practice

Developing a Secular Spiritual Writing Practice

Spiritual Writing Guidance: Writing Transcendence

Feminism & Princesses

Writing Deconstruction Narratives

I can also offer topics related to any of my other teaching areas, so if you have seen something I offer as a multi-week class or on Outschool that you’d like me to teach to your group of adults, just let me know and I will create a workshop that meets your needs!

What to Expect

Each workshop features a combination of presentation and discussion. The bulk of each workshop is facilitated discussion, although writing courses also involve a bit of time for doing a creative writing prompt.

You can choose a 60-minute or 90-minute session, depending on what works best for your group.

The event takes place over Zoom.


My goal is to make these workshops affordable and accessible to all groups! Registration costs are based on the length of the session and the number of participants. The price can be as low as $20 per participant!

60-minute session
1-5 participants: $100
6-10 participants: $200
11-15 participants: $300
16+ participants: reach out to me for a price

90-minute session
1-5 participants: $150
6-10 participants: $250
11-15 participants: $350
16+ participants: reach out to me for a price

How to Register

To register for a workshop, contact me on my website. We’ll talk about which workshop is best for you and when you want to schedule. I have available during some weekdays, as well as nights and weekends.

After you pick a time, you’ll need to pay for the group size you expect to have. One person is required to make the payment; I do not collect registration fees from each individual participant. If you end up having more people sign up than expected, just reach out to me and I’ll let you know how much more you owe for the additional participants.

You must have your workshop paid in full at least 24 hrs before your workshop. You and your participants will be sent a Zoom link after your workshop is paid for.

I could use some help!

If your group is interested in one of these workshops, please send them my information! I hope to offer several workshops in May, June, July, and August, and I need your help to spread the word to more participants.

Please share this blog post with them! You can also follow me on Facebook and TikTok, where I post interesting writing stories, updates, and information about the topics I teach about.

If you have questions about workshops or classes, please don’t hesitate to reach out today! I look forward to meeting your group!

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